Explicit Always Shoot Your Landlord | Holiday Takeover
Ep. 46

Always Shoot Your Landlord | Holiday Takeover

Episode description

Content warning: This movie has discussion about suicide, threats of suicide by characters and also, depictions of suicide and murder. If you need help or are concerned about the welfare of someone else, please visit, findahelpline.com or Reddit /r/SuicideWatch hotlines.

Alex and Brendan get into a steaming pile of a film. 1994’s Mixed Nuts was both hated by critics and forgotten by the public and our collective unconscious. It’s definitely not a Christmas classic. It’s a badly written theatre play with a jumbled mess of a plot. Brendan references the L. Ron Hubbard series of Last Podcast on the Left episodes.Alex sings the praises of Xbox Games Pass for the offspring of the IBM personal computer. The first 20 minutes of the movie were funny with the rapping elevator woman. And then it got terrible. We voted it the worst movie ever. We sound like a couple of Valley Girls on this episode of Refined 90’s Cinema.

Recorded: Holiday Season 2022

No transcript available for this episode.