Explicit Dead DOM(inatrix) - The Game (1997)
Ep. 23

Dead DOM(inatrix) - The Game (1997)


Episode description

Movie discussion starts at 4:15.

This psychological thriller has us tongue-tied and our brains turned into mush. We really struggled with this one. I mean, what is the point? Why didn't they consider another ending? Why is this movies plot dependant on it's suspenseful music?

What? I don't... what? Okay.

We really didn’t know what the deal was for most of this and then even in the end it was incredibly unsettling. A lot of plot holes and some dick jokes later, we somehow survived the game, both the movie and the actual game, and made it to the end. This one really made us turn back and go…. Hmm, so that was a thing.

Recorded: Sunday, January 31, 2021

No transcript available for this episode.