After another hiatus, we are back! We couldn’t be cops and we definitely couldn’t be negotiators or people with guns. Samuel has one chance, one opportunity to not go to prison for killing his partner (we think). He’s gotta make a deal with only twenty-four herrrrssszzzz.
He wants answers and the only way to get them is with gratuitous focus pulls and Paul Giamatti. The swat whatever team is doing everything they can to keep the FBI out and keep the boat afloat. Turns out all the dirty cops were in on it the whole time: pension funds, internal affairs, crooked cops, fishing trawlers and the hidden identity of Ebaum, this movie has it all. Listen to us explain-away the plot.
A+ for intensity on this fast paced episode of Refined 90’s Cinema.
42 | SLJ’s Out to Play | The Negotiator (1998)